Proven podium topping technology. Updated and improved redesign of the long time favourite the Shibuya Ultima. Lightweight design with improved weight distribution. Secure and simple to use sight pin locking. Redesigned for improved hold and to prevent thread damage. Drive shaft dampening for a quieter shot and reduced vibration. High grip adjustment knobs for easy adjustment in all conditions. Windage fine adjustment scale for precision adjustment. Secure and simple lever locking mechanism. Extension length: 9'' (6.5'' adjustable range). Vertical bar length: 3.8'' adjustable range. Thread: 8-32 (standard recurve scope or pin). Mass Weight: 204g. Clicks per inch: 1/480'' per click.
PRICES | for each |
Unit price | € 250,00 |
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These reviews were made by customers with a verified purchase, voluntarily and without any kind of benefit. Reviews containing language deemed unsuitable, incorrect or offensive may be banned.
04/19/2023 | Menditto Antonio |
10/26/2022 | Sebastiano RAELI Ero abituato a mirini entry level di varie marche e la differenza ci sta tutta.Regolazioni precisissime ,zero tolleranze,diottra in dotazione...Read more... |
07/26/2022 | Ottimo |
07/08/2022 | |
06/24/2022 | PATI ROBERTO È semplicemente fantastico, non ha bisogno di tante parole, il nome dice già tutto.Ovviamente lo straconsiglio. |
06/17/2021 | Giuseppe Calamia |
02/16/2021 | Alessandro De Stefano Non penso abbia bisogno di presentazioni, un mirino tra i più usati anche tra gli arcieri di alto livello |
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