Beiter Limb Line Gauges are a simple and effective precision tool for the tuning of the bows.
With the aid of Beiter Limb Line Gauges you can check the arrow position on the bow and in respect of the position of the Sight Tunnel and the limbs, the so-called center-shot.
PRICES | for each |
Unit price | € 7,00 |
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These reviews were made by customers with a verified purchase, voluntarily and without any kind of benefit. Reviews containing language deemed unsuitable, incorrect or offensive may be banned.
03/13/2023 | Barucci Luciano Utilissimo |
01/12/2023 | Marchi Noris |
04/06/2021 | Demaglie Cosimino Piccoli per i miei flettenti, fanno comunque il loro dovere. Utili |
01/12/2021 | Giuseppe Di Pierro Buono strumento per una verifica istantanea dell'allineamento dei flettenti. Velocissimo e preciso nel montaggio. Provato con 4 tipi di flettenti...Read more... |
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